Permanent Online Vigil for Peace

for our world

for Palestine, Israel, Ukraine, Yemen, Myanmar, Afghanistan, Tigray and everywhere people are suffering under violent conflict.

Vigil, pray, meditate, wish, hold an intention, shine the light, contemplate...

Join the video meeting room (by clicking on the candle below) to add  your energy.  You do not need an account.  We invite you to use this virtual sacred space and consider volunteering to help hold the space. If you want to join the space when there is another person there then check the calendar (Further down this page). We hope to eventually have enough committed people to ensure a continuous holding of the space for peace..

Click here to join the vigil now on skype

The link for this meeting is changeable so,  if sharing or bookmarking, it's best to share/bookmark

Coming up

If you want to be sure to join when someone else is in the meeting room, take a look at the calendar, below. It uses the following abbreviations:

SH - there will be at least one person silently holding space in the online meeting room at this time, for you to join with.

* -  there will be something extra happening, e.g. a guided meditation, live meditation music or some other process. Click the event for details.

Ind - the event uses an independent meeting room (not the worldpeaceprayer zoom meeting room). Click on the event to see details and relevant link.

If the timezone at the bottom left of the calendar is incorrect then please check that you don't have a vpn disguising your location.

Christian 24-7 online prayer for peace in Ukraine

24-7 Prayer is running a continuous online prayer for peace for Ukraine. You can join their roster and they have suggested prayers that you can use. They also have lots of other prayer rooms and encourage people and groups to set up their own 24-7 prayer rooms

Ananda Marga continuous live online kiirtan for peace

The Ananada Marga community in Russia started a continuous live online kiirtan for peace  on March 3 (I think) and have been going ever since, with the help of Margis around the world.  Kiirtan is a form of devotional song originating in india. The Margis often sing  the mantra "Baba Nam Kevalam". gives the following definition: Baba means "beloved," nam means "name" and kevalam means "only." Therefore, the mantra may be translated as "only the name of the beloved." It can also take on a meaning that love is everywhere and is the essence of everything.

Plum Village online groups

Thich Nhat Hanh is the founder of the Plum Village Tradition and the father of socially engaged Buddhism. Although the online meditation groups listed at have a broad focus, I include them here because of the inherent nonduality between peace within oneself and peace within our world.

If you know of any other relevant online events, please let us know

Other peace prayer groups online


If you have a regular practice of meditation/prayer/contemplation, please consider combining some of this time with worldpeaceprayer. We need people like you to volunteer to hold the space in the online meeting room (which is usually a silent space) for 15 minutes or more at a time (weekly). Also, If you are part of a community group or faith community that may be willing to take on a regular block of time, Click here to volunteer. (If you would like to offer help in another way, we probably need that, too. In particular, promotion and general technical assistance).

How it started...

Last Thursday night (March 3), distraught at the unfolding horror in Ukraine and mired in my own sense of powerlessness, I hopped online hoping to find someone/somewhere/some virtual space that I could join in a vigil for peace in Ukraine. I found some online vigils that would happen in a day or two but nothing I could join in right now. Wouldn't it be wonderful, I thought, to have a permanent online sacred space where people of any faith or none could drop in, any time, from anywhere with an internet connection, to give their love, energy, intention, prayers - for peace - and to share that space with others holding a similar intention. I realised that, technically, a basic version of this could be started quite simply - with a webpage and a skype meeting that is permanently open. The first domain name I entered was, miraculously available: 

The initial website and skype meeting are set up.  Now we need lots of volunteers to join a roster to hold the space. All you need is 15 minutes a week and if you already have a regular meditation/prayer/contemplation routine then why not connect to worldpeaceprayer at the same time? (If you would like to offer help in another way, we probably need that, too. In particular, promotion and general technical assistance). You can be part of what will become a continuous chain of people around the globe, holding the space for peace. 

Are you interested in helping? Got some ideas?  know of anyone else doing something similar? We'd love to hear from you

Peace to all,

There is no pathway to peace. Peace is the path ~ Thomas Merton

(Yes, it's quite ironic to have a FB logo (it links to our FB group) beside such a quote, knowing the harm that the company has facilitated in our world. Given that FB is so useful for promoting good projects, let's also pressure them to improve their practices and #stophateforprofit).